Change Your Life!

Change Your Life!

The title on my thumbnail says today, “Change Your Life,” and there’s a picture of a lady reading the Bible. The reason for this picture is that it’s a new year, and many of us make New Year’s resolutions, and many people fail to be able to keep them. It’s a good time of year … Read more

100 Relaxing Healing Scriptures

100 Healing Scriptures

I have created a video with 100 relaxing healing scriptures. So often, it’s so easy to worry about things when we have problems, but we are much better off believing in the problem solver and how Jesus can heal us. It’s important that we have faith in God; the Bible tells us that without faith, … Read more

Choose Life – Not Assisted Dying!

Choose Life – Not Assisted Dying!

Today, the title on my thumbnail picture reads, “Choose life – not assisted dying”! Underneath my title it reads, “I choose happiness, success and abundance in my life”, which is very much a biblical principle. You can see my previous blog post here. Recently I was sorry to read about Esther Rantzen’s stage 4 cancer, … Read more

Stop The Music!

Stop The Music!

The title on my thumbnail picture is “Stop the music!” Earlier today, I was looking at Twitter and came across a post from David Kurten, which read, “UK 2023: ‘Security guards’ harass and assault a citizen for playing a public piano.” And then, in the actual tweet, it read “A master pianist cannot entertain Christmas … Read more

Bristol University Drops National Anthem

Bristol University Drops National Anthem is much

  The title on my thumbnail picture is “Bristol University drops National anthem”! I was looking at a tweet earlier today from Adam Brooks, his tweet mentioned about Bristol University banning the offensive national anthem! His tweet reads, “If you find our national anthem offensive, you an utter joke, grow up!” And, to my mind, … Read more

Arrested Again for Praying

Arrested Again For Praying!

In my thumbnail photograph today, I have the title “Arrested Again for Praying.” I don’t know when it was, but a few weeks ago, I created a video entitled “British Veteran Arrested for Thought Crime,” which is hard to believe, especially when it’s a veteran. But the other day, I came across this on Calvin … Read more