Bristol University Drops National Anthem

Bristol University Drops National Anthem is much

  The title on my thumbnail picture is “Bristol University drops National anthem”! I was looking at a tweet earlier today from Adam Brooks, his tweet mentioned about Bristol University banning the offensive national anthem! His tweet reads, “If you find our national anthem offensive, you an utter joke, grow up!” And, to my mind, … Read more

Arrested Again for Praying

Arrested Again For Praying!

In my thumbnail photograph today, I have the title “Arrested Again for Praying.” I don’t know when it was, but a few weeks ago, I created a video entitled “British Veteran Arrested for Thought Crime,” which is hard to believe, especially when it’s a veteran. But the other day, I came across this on Calvin … Read more

Does Jesus Heal Today?

The title on my thumbnail picture today reads, “Does Jesus heal today?” and my simple answer is yes, he does. I know not everyone may agree, but I believe that Jesus does heal today. Now, if we look in the Bible at Mark 5, Mark 5:36, it says, “As soon as Jesus heard the word … Read more

The Joy Of The Promise!

The Joy Of The Promise!

On my thumbnail picture, I have the title “The Joy of the Promise.” Recently, I was reading in Genesis. Let’s bring it up, actually. Genesis 12:1-3 and it says, “Now the Lord had said to Abram, ‘Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will … Read more

Church Of England Wants You To Suffer!

Church Of England Wants You To Suffer!

Today’s headline on my thumb reads, “Church Of England Wants You To Suffer!” I was reading earlier today in the Daily Telegraph an article that the Church of England is going to sell oil and gas shares. The subtitle reads, “Fossil fuels go against a duty to protect God’s creation, says Archbishop of Canterbury!” You … Read more

Walking In The Light!

Walking In The Light!

Today I would like to talk about walking in the light! I’m just referring to the Scripture from Ephesians 5, starting in chapter 8. Recently, we came back from Greece, and we were privileged to be able to go to quite a few places and travel around. One particulate place that we went to by … Read more

What Are Your Thoughts?

What Are Your Thoughts?

Today I thought I would talk about what are your thoughts? Thoughts are amazing; I’ve been told that the mind is more powerful than the most powerful computer! It’s amazing how many things can go through the mind in almost a split second. Thoughts Thoughts Yesterday we looked at rebuking that illness, today we’re looking … Read more

Rebuke That Illness!

Rebuke That Illness!

Today I have put on the title of my devotional, “rebuke that illness”! The reason I have given my message this title is that the other day I was working, and I could feel a sore throat coming upon me. I think we have all had that situation when we feel that sore throat coming … Read more



Today I thought I would entitle my message, “truth!” I always find it so good to hear the truth and so often in the world we do not hear the truth. Something that I really like about the Bible is that it is God’s living word. It is the truth, and it gives us a … Read more